In case you missed it, last week Simon Kipersztok, M.D. of our Waldorf, MD office hosted an online Getting Started with Infertility Treatment Webcast for current and prospective patients interested in learning more about infertility treatment and the financial options available at Shady Grove Fertility. In addition to the presentation, Dr. Kipersztok took questions from the audience on topics ranging from diagnostic testing and treatment to insurance coverage and financial programs. Here are some of the questions from the audience.

Q: What will happen during the initial appointment if I don’t have any baseline tests completed at the time of the appointment?

A: Patients that come to see me have varying levels of the initial work-up completed prior to their initial appointment. At the consultation, we will review the tests that have been completed and what is still needed to help us determine an accurate diagnosis and ultimately the right infertility treatment plan. Once we know what is needed your nurse will be will be able to coordinate the remaining tests. It is important to bring paperwork, such as the new patient packet our New Patient Center mailed after scheduling the consultation and a copy of any fertility related medical records from other physicians. Learn more about fertility testing.

Q: Will my spouse have to complete a semen analysis? Do you treat male factor infertility? How?

Male infertility occurs with 40 to 50 percent of couples experiencing infertility, making a semen analysis a vital part of a fertility assessment. As far as scheduling the semen analysis, your nurse can help to arrange the appointment for your partner. Collection can be completed at home; it is requested to abstain from ejaculation for 3 to 5 days prior to the analysis to obtain accurate results.

If male factor infertility is present, depending on the severity, the treatment options vary from IUI to IVF or the use of donor sperm. We also co-manage patient care with fertility focused urologists to help with procedures such as aspirations.

Normal Semen Analysis